Monday, May 17, 2010


Consensus was to go ahead with surgery. His pain is ridiculous.
Michael is scheduled for posterios fossa decompression on ...

Thursday May 20th
North Shore University Hospital Manhasset (not LIJ)
@ 9:30am.

CT today, pre-surgical testing tomorrow, meeting with Dr. Bolognese et al on Wednesday.

Will post all updates as they happen just for the sake of keeping myself busy.

Just for a little vent...
Gotta love NYS... My boss refused to allow me to use paid time off for my son's BRAIN SURGERY because the state is in a fiscal crisis and she refuses to pay for me to be off and also pay someone else to be there. Regardless of the fact that the person willing to cover me is part time and it would have been at straight-pay.  I only asked for 2 days off. Ironically, the very day I asked for the time off, I was  at work on a scheduled shift beyond what I'm required to work. There was no need for me to stay and we were over-staffed. I asked to go home and they refused- simply because they knew I wanted to leave. So they kept me to be control-freakinsh in spite of the budget, but won't allow me to use time off that I've already earned (that they're eventually going to have to pay me anyway). Now here's the kicker.... I now have to call in sick (family sick time)- for which they will reserve (and likely use) the right to write me up for..... and they'll STILL have to pay ME and someone else to be there!!
My immediate boss, nor my nurse manager never even bothered to say so much as ..... 'Gee Jen..sorry to hear about your little boy'. NOTHING. Not an ounce of compassion. As if the kid were going to the damned dentist.

I hope they reads this. Witches
I'm probably going to end up fired anyway :/


Lisa Jacques Elam said...

First of all and your family are in my prayers.
Second....what kind of people are these who are suppose to be working in a field where compassion is suppose to be key to their job....and they treat you like this? All I can say is....karma is a bitch and they WILL get theirs.
Hang in there Jen ad please keep us all posted.

Love you

Capfam96 said...

I agree Karma is definitely a bitch! For months my son Robbie's physician and his witch partner told me there was nothing wrong with my son even though we knew there was. He came once after we were admitted to cover his butt legally and never heard from him again. One month after Robbie's 5 month hospitalization, he died of a massive coronary. I don;t wish that on anyone but karma seems to come around, for sure. All my best and love and prayers for you guys, I know how hard it is for you. God bless, always. - John Caputo

Droopy Brains said...

Hey John... what happened with Robbie?

Thank you for all the kind words

Droopy Brains said...

Lisa- yes, Karma is a bitch.
You'd never know the people I work for are in health care. they are the most stoic, heartless supervisors I've ever known.

I hope all is well with David


Capfam96 said...

Hey Jen - Robbie started having seizures at about 6 months old. There was that whole debochle with the pediatrician and then he was in North Shore for 1 month and they couldn't handle him so they sent us to Montefiore in the Bronx where we were constantly in and out of PICU and the Epilepsy unit. They never found a cause or a cure. As a result he doesn't walk, talk (verbally anyway) or eat well. His seizures are almost gone but they've taken their toll. We had a baby girl in 2007 who, again, developed seizures at 5 months old, not as severe but just as debilitating (although she eats us out of house and home. We went through hell with both and I know how heartless and cold some HC professionals can be. Rob may not have the same condition but I'm sure we've shared the same experiences, horrible ones. I've prayed more than I care to and we hope for a miracle, for ours and you and yours. Sorry I carried on but it's a very long story. Hope Michael is feeling better soon. Again, God bless you always. Keep hoping. - All my best - John

Droopy Brains said...

John, please don't apologize for
'carrying on'! You didn't... I want to know what's going on ....Geez, I should be apologizing for asking you such personal questions.
I'm so sorry that you and your wife are going through all this with your children...and still don't have answers. I understand your frustrations too well.

Trust me John... our family understands the fear and the pain you're all going through. Only the parents of a sick child/ren can fathom what this is really like.

My friend who posted above you would agree.

My thoughts and prayers are with you and yours
